- 1Breathe. You feel yourself start to get giddy and nervous around him/talking to him/thinking about him, CALM DOWN. It will pass.
- 2Recognize it. When you realize that you're refreshing your email waiting for him to respond, or you MUST wear makeup when you see him, YOU LIKE HIM. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
- 3Occupy yourself. Do not obsessively email or text him. If you don't have a chance, this will just disappoint you, and you'll get your heart broken every time you see that he hasn't bothered to email you back.
- 4Self Deception. It's a little messed up, but it may be necessary. Tell yourself you don't care, he's just a friend; try to go a while without checking your phone or email and exercise, hang out with friends, go shopping, etc. The more you ignore him, the easier it is.
- 5Tell a friend. Talk to someone about it. You'll better understand your emotional state and your motivations, and you can have a shoulder to cry on when you get drunk and weepy and realize that he has beautiful eyes (we've all been there.)
- 6Remember that guy you were in love with 5 years ago? You don't love HIM anymore, so just give it time, and it will slowly dissipate.
- If he randomly pops into your head in the middle of the day, just distract yourself. Try reading, listening to music, etc.
- Try to go a long time without contacting him (a few days.)
- Don't make "finding a guy" your life goal. You can be complete without someone, so don't go looking for love just because you're lonely. Let it happen naturally, and if it doesn't, that's ok too.
- Don't assume he feels like you feel.
- If it feels inevitable then get out. Just get out.
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